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Personal Data 個人紀錄 Ref.NO.編號: SIBH-595 |
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Name 傭工姓名 |
SIBH-595 | Nationality 國籍 |
Indonesian | |
Place of Birth 出生地點 |
CIREBON | Ages 年齡 |
26 | |
Marital Status 婚姻狀況 |
Married | Date of birth 出生日期 |
1998 / 虎 / 雙子座 | |
Religion 宗教 |
Muslim | Sex 性別 |
Female | |
Educational Details 學歷 |
Junior High School | Height 身高 |
150 cm | |
Language spoken 語言能力 |
English |
Weight 體重 |
45 kg | |
Chinese Horoscope 生肖 |
虎 | Province 省 |
Personality 性格 |
Passport 護照 |
Remark: | HK driver's license 香港駕駛執照 |
NO |
No. of Brother 兄弟數目 |
2 | No. of Children 子女數目/年齡 |
1, Age ( 8 ) | Ages of Father 父親年齡 |
45 |
No. of Sister 姊妹數目 |
1 | In the Family,ranking of sibling在家排行 |
1 | Ages of Mother 母親年齡 |
42 |
Residence of Employer 工作地區 |
SINGAPORE | From 由 |
2021 | To 至 |
2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Job Description
Residence of Employer 工作地區 |
From 由 |
To 至 |
Job Description
Residence of Employer 工作地區 |
From 由 |
To 至 |
Job Description
Supplementary Questions 補充問題 | Yes 是 | No 否 |
If your holiday not on Sunday do you agree? 若假期不在星期日,你是否願意? |
If your employer asked you to work on your rest day and is willing to pay as compensation,
are you willing to do so? 若僱主要求你在休息日工作並願意支付薪金代替,你是否願意? |
Are you willing to share room with baby or kid? 你願意和僱主的小孩同房? |
Are you willing to share work with another helper? 你願意和其他傭工一齊工作嗎? |
Are you willing to take care new born baby? 你願意照顧初生嬰兒嗎? |
Are you willing to take care elderly person? 你願意照顧老人家嗎? |
Are you willing to take care of the disabled person? 你願意照顧傷殘/行動不便的人士嗎? |
Do you eat pork? 你是否吃豬肉? |
Are you able to handle cook pork ? 你是否願意接觸或處理豬肉? |
Are you willing to take care pets(dogs or cats)? 你願意照顧寵物嗎? |
Do you have friend or relative in Hong Kong? 你在香港有朋友或親戚嗎? |
Can you drive a vehicle? 你會駕駛車輛嗎? |
Are you wearing glasses? 你是否戴眼鏡? |
Do you smoke? 你是否吸煙? |
Do you drink alcoholic drinks? 你是否喝酒? |
Do you have tattoo? If yes, which area of your body? 你有紋身嗎? |
Have you suffered from any serious illness before? 你以前患過嚴重的疾病嗎? |
Are you the one who take care of your children when they were newborns? 你是否照顧過自己的孩子當他們還是初生嬰孩? |
Are u willing to take care of children 2 years old up ? 你願意照顧兩歲以上的兒童嗎? |
Who will take care of your children if you work in Hong Kong?MAMA,HUSBAND 如果你在香港工作,誰來照顧你的孩子? |
Are you allergic to anything particularly Pet and food? If so, please explain in details. 你對任何東西特別是寵物和食物過敏嗎?如果有,請詳細說明。 |
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